Kelly is your Energy Awakening Educator. She is an international multi-award winning woman in business, a global film producer, author, speaker and wellness practitioner and bio-resonance specialist. Wife mother and glam Mumma.
When Kelly was sick and tired of living the life that she no longer wanted to put up with, Kelly turned to every single natural therapy and therapist she could find. Some were amazing and some were not. Kelly tried everything from taking a pill to changeing her job and even going on a few retreats. But throughout this journey she still had more questions then answers. This really frustrated the heck out of Kelly. This is when Kelly founded Happy and Well. For the benefit of happy lives. Happy lives begin with help and happy, healthy choices. With happy and well, you will have the opportunity to get to know yourself, get out of your own way and love who you truly are. Unquestionably. Some might call this unconventional.
We just call it Kick Ass.

CONTACT our GUEST: Get your copy of The Breath of Life for a new Lease on Life -E-magazine
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Happy and Well is a Healing and Wellness Eco System that empowers women into the world of Transformational healing through transformational education. Focusing on life’s 3 major pathways:
Your Pathway to Self-Honor
Your pathway to Self-Abundance
Your Pathway to Self-Love

These pathways are delivered by the Happy and Well Academy in and in person and online platform. You are guided every step of the way on your journey home to self.