What do home made short wave radios, flexi discs, and cyanotype photography have in common? Kirk Pearson is a composer and founder of Dogbotic, a full service music and sound studio, a radical multimedia arts workshop, and open source creative technology lab. Kirk joins us today to share the planning and thinking behind their next […]

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What do home made short wave radios, flexi discs, and cyanotype photography have in common? Kirk Pearson is a composer and founder of Dogbotic, a full service music and sound studio, a radical multimedia arts workshop, and open source creative technology lab. Kirk joins us today to share the planning and thinking behind their next community workshop, Ear Re-Training, Media Manipulation for the Musical Mind.

Show Notes:

Dogbotic Workshops including Ear Re-training

Some of the episodes of Radio Survivor referenced today:

Prison Radio Exhibition episode of Radio Survivor #147

episode 181 Julia Thomas – Visiting Community Radio Stations Around the World

episode 71 Sylvia Thomas – Bolivia Is the Birthplace of Community Radio

The post Podcast #309 – Ear Retraining with Dogbotic appeared first on Radio Survivor.