In June 2009 a coup d’etat overthrew Honduras’ democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya. Since the coup, human rights conditions in that country have deteriorated. Radio has become a vital organizing tool for defending the rights of indigenous people and fighting environmental destruction, while providing needed information and education to people in rural areas. In April […]

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In June 2009 a coup d’etat overthrew Honduras’ democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya. Since the coup, human rights conditions in that country have deteriorated. Radio has become a vital organizing tool for defending the rights of indigenous people and fighting environmental destruction, while providing needed information and education to people in rural areas.

In April of this year Meredith Beeson and Ellen Knutson traveled to Honduras with a delegation from the Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective. As part of their solidarity work with human rights groups and environmental activists who are experiencing political repression, they also visited community radio stations that are providing critical information lifelines. Meredith is a community radio producer at KRSM in South Minneapolis, MN, who also worked with print and radio journalists on an earlier delegation. She and Ellen join the show to tell us about what’s happening in Honduras, and the important role of radio.

Show Notes:

Witness for Peace Solidarity CollectiveRadio DignidadMovimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y Justicia (MADJ)Town Square” is Meredith’s show on KRSM in South MinneapolisRadio ProgresoCOPINH – Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras Media Landscapes: Radio in HondurasHonduras Solidarity Network

The post Podcast #198 – Defending Human Rights with Radio in Honduras appeared first on Radio Survivor.