Brian talks too much about Costa Rica to fit anything else in. He lost his passport and drags the story out. There is no Dennis Praet There is no Anna Moxnes There is no Karine Joly But there will be all three, and added Pete Allum, in Ep87. Promise FAI Statement about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Golden Knights to stop competing? Cookie release the G35, not the G35 Front Cover of Brian over Costa Rica as a screenshot from a video by Bruno Brokken Pete Allum discusses Future Proofing Skydiving USPA dropzones require reserves to be tagged with a lead seal Just so many rules in the USA for jumping Brian did some amazing jumps in Costa Rica. Brian is eternally grateful to Rich Grimm for the invite Rai gets selected to judge at the World Championships But she has Covid19 so can’t be here to discuss it. Craig only tells Brian his sniffing is very audible after the recording has finished.  Brian spends 2hrs (!) editing out as many of the sniffs as possible but missed a bunch. Sorry about that.
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