Originally Recorded: Monday, October 23rd, 2017. Even though it’s only Ultra-Caster Yellow & Ultra-Caster Pink doing the show for a while, they prove that they will keep the show even if it’s just the two of them! They talk about new Pacific Rim Figures, they talk about Ultraman Geed & Ultraman Orb! But most important of all, they watch what Gar has considered the best Tokusatsu show of 2017; Kaiju Club Episode 1!! 

Casters Present:  Yellow Pink 

Show Notes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/15378549

Required Viewing: Ultraman Geed 14, 
Ultraman Orb 5,
Kaiju Club 1 

YouTube Version: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ime9Dprpjo]