Originally Recorded: Thursday September 21st, 2017. As Ultra-Caster Orange starts his vacation, it’s up to Ultra-Caster Yellow, Pink, and Navy, to talk about Part 1 of Ultraman Geed’s Midseason finale, how Low-Budgeted Ultraman Ginga can be at times, and how watching the Origin Saga first makes the Ultraman Orb TV Series more intriguing. Also, find out what Ultramen have which fetishes. 

Casters Present:  Yellow Pink Navy 

Show Notes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/15067343

Required Viewing: Ultraman Geed 11, 
Ultraman Ginga 2, 
Ultraman Orb 2 

YouTube Version: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyibbAtnxLo]