Red Caster makes it here from his side quest just in time to join us for the finale of Build. But first, we throw in a quick mention of the Power Rangers anniversary episode, and Lupinranger VS Patranger occupies our time with a haphazardly thrown together clip show. Finally, we discuss the ending to what could be the greatest Kamen Rider series. Our opinions differ. Our predictions come true. We share who we loved, what we loved, and why as our "feature topic" becomes a retrospective discussion on the series as a whole and analysis of each of the major characters. 

Casters Present:  Red Blue Pink Quantum 

Show Notes:

Required Viewing: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel 10, 
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger 29, 
Kamen Rider Build 49 

YouTube Version: [youtube=]

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