Police ‘handed’ gun to loyalist terrorist used in 1992 massacre - Kier Starmer-run CPS “destroyed” all their Jimmy Savile files on October 26, 2010 - Friend To Child Abusers Jimmy Savile and Rev Peter Ball, Adulterer, Wife Killer: Prince Charles Ticking Time-Bomb Under 1145 Years of Christian England - Bristol’s ‘Illuminati’ Merchant Venturers may be disbanded - Politician Neil McEvoy has founded 'Propel' party, exposing the fact that deals are done to stitch up the Welsh taxpayer because Labour and Plaid Cymru are virtually the same – The Great Reshaft: Klaus Schwab admits to 'penetrating' governments of Canada, France, Argentina etc with WEF agents - Back to Miasma? Katharine Gun and Dr Andrew Kaufmann both preponents of Terrain Theory which says bacteria don't cause disease and that viruses don't exist - NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling