MITWS Ki Yatra Ep 9 # Dr. Karan Pratap Singh - The Local Explorer- Chalo India @ Radio MITWS India: Welcome to the new episode of MITWS ki Yatra, here we discuss a little bit about our radio show The Local Explorer. In this show we are expecting that our listeners and friends will contribute a talk about their city. They may discuss about the specificity of the city, its food, tourist place, history, geography, customs, festivals, events or about an personality associate with their city. Recently, our prime minister Shri Modi Jee, initiate a mission Chalo India in which NRI will motivate atleast their five friends for the India Visit. We are also contributing to his mission in this way. We are discuss the various aspects about our cities with the help of all of you. We are inviting you to be a part of this program and discuss about your city in our next episode of The Local Explorer. For more detail of our radio platform kindly visit For any query feel free to contact Dr. Karan Pratap Singh Rathore, Founder President MITWS, +919971701069