Rebecca Hoffmann is the director for the Maine Health Center for Trauma Resilience and Innovation. As part of this role, Rebecca focuses on the challenges faced by caregivers and staff in the healthcare system. One significant challenge is an underlying cultural belief that healthcare providers should be superhuman, and able to continually put aside their own needs in order to care for others. While this view was prevalent before the COVID-19 pandemic, it has not diminished in the past several years, as health systems address issues such as strained access to services, and increased violence against healthcare workers.  The need for healthcare worker resilience is more important than ever before. While Rebecca recognizes the importance of self-care, she also emphasizes the need for all organizations, but particularly those in healthcare, to prioritize the well-being of their employees. This includes providing resources and support for building teams, and sharing responsibilities to prevent burnout. Join our conversation with Rebecca Hoffmann today on Radio Maine.