Last month Spanish-language broadcaster, Univision, launched two interactive/social TV apps: the "Conecta" app, which is designed to enhance its music-based reality show, "La Banda"; and the "UniNovelas" app, which is targeted at viewers of its popular "telenovelas" (soap operas). The apps were the result of a partnership with cross-media interactive TV company, Screenz, which will see the latter creating a range of "customized digital experiences for [Univision's] major shows and tent pole events."

In this video interview with [itvt] Editor-in-Chief, Tracy Swedlow, Screenz CEO, Eli Uzan, and Univision's SVP of Digital, Sameer Deen, discuss the new apps, their companies' partnership, their views of the interactive/social TV space, and more.

Note: Along with over 100 other industry leaders, Uzan and Deen will be speaking at TVOT NYC 2015 (December 3rd at the SVA Theatre in New York City).

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