Sandy Dann chats with Maree Edgar and Natasha Matsumoto from Nymba Buru Yawuru about YAGARRMABULANYJI JARNDUNIL (Women coming together) at Gabunyanya (Crab Creek).

An amazing day was enjoyed by all at Gabunyanya.
Bringing all women together and celebrating NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) Week and recognising the Yawuru culture, stories and traditional activities.
We all connected to buru (country), being welcomed to country with a smoking ceremony and by fishing, swimming and basket weaving. We enjoyed coming together over mabu mayi (good food) and giving thanks to this beautiful, unique country we live on, Yawuru Country.
If you missed out this year be sure to come to next year's event.
Gala Mabu (Thank you) to everyone involved in this special day...