Sandy Dann chats with Gee Tajoldini And Kera Mckenzie from the Nyamba Buru Yawuru team about the Transition to Work program

Warrmijala Murrgurlayi (Rise up to Work), Sustainable Employment Program

NBY partners with Shell to deliver the social investment program Warrmijala Murrgurlayi Rise up to Work which offers pre-employment and vocational training to increase the positive social impact on the local community.

It offers opportunities for Yawuru and other Aboriginal people to gain skills through work readiness, vocational training and job placements and has potential for meaningful career pathways that will allow participants to engage in Broome’s future.

The Mabu Liyan Framework informs WM's program methodology implementation and evaluation through a culturally holistic approach to individual and community well-being.

Read our Warrimjala Murrgurlayi Program Overview HERE

To apply to one of our programs, or as an employer you would like to find out more contact: [email protected] or 9192 9600 and ask to speak with a member of our Rise up to Work team.