District Shire of Broome
Candidate Name Johani MAMID
Ballot Paper Name MAMID, Johani
Nominating for Councillor for Dampier Ward
Election Type Ordinary
MAMID, Johani
I am a 38 year old Broome man, having been born here and lived here all my life. I am proactive in supporting my community through my roles as Director within the Yawuru corporate group.
I am a graduate of the Australian Rural Leadership Program, and have a Certificate in Corporate Governance and qualifications and background in conservation and land management.
Through my cultural tourism business, I contribute to reconciliation by building a better understanding between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.
Being on Council will enable me to ensure that Broome's diverse opinions will be considered during decision making within the Council.
I would be honoured to represent the old and new Broome Community, and look forward to your vote of support.
Mobile: 0400 386 667
Email: [email protected]