We live in times where we’re more connected than ever ... yet many of us are increasingly more
isolated and lonely than ever.
You see, one-third of all Australian adults reports feeling lonely.
And even more startling is the fact that two in every five people between the ages of 18 and 25
identifies as being lonely. They’re, the most digitally connected generation in history. But having
heaps of friends on Facebook is different from having actual social contact.
First Nations communities know only too well the importance of knowing your neighbours and
being part of a community.
On Sunday 31 March, Australians are invited to celebrate Neighbour Day and the potential role of
neighbours in our lives. It can be as simple as knocking on their door to say ‘Hi’, or having a cuppa
with them. If you don’t know them because they’re new, go and introduce yourself.
To talk about the importance of connecting with our neighbours, we’re joined now by journalist,
presenter, and Head of Indigenous News & Current Affairs for NITV, Natalie Ahmat.