Yay pod time! Returning to the show is one of our favorite guests, Liam Anderson from Where There's Your Problem and Lions Led By Donkeys! Liam brings us a whole new embarassing relationship story and helps us answer a whole boatload of your questions. Here's what we get into:

You can repeal only one law! Which? | Are drugs cool? Embrace debate | Wanting to get over a fetish so cringey you don't want to say what it is | About to move in with your sword-collecting partner and there's too many damn swords for the new space | Partner's friend shitting on you behind your back | Struggling moving to a new place for your partner | Don't get back together with your ex ya broke up with seven times

Thanks again to Liam for coming back on the show, we love havin him! You can follow Liam on Twitter [@oldmanders0n](https://twitter.com/oldmanders0n) and hear him wherever you find podcasts!

As always, thank you for tuning in! If you'd like to support the show and get weekly bonus episodes you can find us at Patreon.com/RFTB

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