Howdy folks, this week we've got friend of the show Kyler Jae joining from LA (hey that rhymed)! Kyler talks about his experience the past week in the LA BLM protests, his relationship life, and also about Dono's shithouse past. Oh no.

We also hit the question box with some listener questions for Kyler and for all of us, including our cringiest sex moments.

Finally we hit some questions on Reddit - a husband lying about an OnlyFans subscription, a gal wondering if a friend likes her, and an apparent influx of butt plugs in the zeitgeist.

We're a relationship show first and foremost but we don't live in a vacuum. Donate to BLM, donate to your local bail fund, and at the very least research defunding the police. If you can donate, [this link]( includes a directory of local bailfunds or find your local BLM group online or through social media.