THIS WEEK, returning to the show, one of our favs, Caroline Shumate of Stasney Mav and joining us for the first time, her frequent collaborator and fellow musician Clinton John! We discuss Caroline and Clinton's recent single "Solo", their experiences as queer musicians in Nashville, and of course, chunky FILAs.

We have so many question box questions this week I can't even begin to write them all down but here are the relationship question highlights:

- Is it ever kosher to end a relationship over text?
- To Caroline, Clinton, and Arthur - as folks in the queer community, what is the most frustrating thing you see in hetero-normative relationships?
- A listener used to have very spirited discussions with their fiancee that they very much enjoyed, but these seem to have fallen off. How to get the energy back?
- What are our go-to breakup songs? What makes a good breakup song?
- What's the largest age gap we've had in a hookup or relationship? What is the largest age gap we think is ok?

As always thank you for being with us, and thank you to everyone who sent in questions! We got 50 in about two hours which is incredible and made our day.

If you'd like to check out Caroline and Clinton's new single "Solo" you can find it and its fantastic music video [here on YouTube]( or find the song on Spotify!