Welcome, denizens of the Roni Wastelands! It's RFTB time and this week we have comedian Jake Flores, host of Pod Damn America and Why You Mad, with us to soothe your broken hearts.

We talk about podcasting in the time of Covid, stand-up, and of course, Jake's most embarassing dating story. Then we head into this week's relationship questions.

First and most importantly, how does one render their cum more thicccc and also plentiful? Pineapples? Fuck idk. We then learn what cock nursing is and hear from someone who has sex dreams every dang night.

Thanks for being with us, and thanks again to Jake for coming on the show! If you'd like to hear more from Jake you can find him on Twitter [@feraljokes](https://twitter.com/feraljokes) as well as his shows [Pod Damn America](https://twitter.com/PodDamnAmerica) and [Why You Mad](https://twitter.com/WhyYouMadPod)

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