Previous Episode: Make it Bleed
Next Episode: Radio Free Elsinore

On this episode of Radio Free Mandalore, Kevin is stuck at work, and Tim and Patrick don't seem to know too much about anything. Patrick bought more toys. The Last Jedi is the longest Star Wars film yet. Chewie and the Porgs. Directors cuts and extended editions. From A Certain Point of View. Absolutely Everything You Need To Know. The Emperor's Shadow Guard. Tim and Patrick plan their buddy tattoos.  Patrick doesn't know what a forearm is. Snoke's telepathy. Tim doesn't know what an opera is. Re-watching the first eight films. What's under Snoke's robe? Tim can't remember the only thing he liked about Green Lantern. Tim doesn't know how many ribs he has. Tim still has fat fingers. Forces of Destiny: Tracker Trouble, Newest Recruit, Teach You, I Will. Voices in their Heads. Tim doesn't know the difference between Jyn and Leia. Battlefront Trailers: Beta, Single Player. Patrick's gonna start reading again. Luke is a vegetarian.

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