Ep 91 - In honour of Mothers' Day, RFK sits down with two writers/artists who take inspiration from their moms: Emmanuelle Chateauneuf and Danny Zabbal. Hear how their mothers influence their children's' storytelling and what they think of their kids' comics.

Danny writes "Life Death and Sorcery" and Emmanuelle wrote "Queen Street" for Chapterhouse Comics. To their mothers' chagrin, neither is a mediocre sitcom star nor in a family band.

RFK airs first on CJRU 1280 AM in Toronto. This episode was produced by Justin Chandler.

PS: Jacob and Mitchell came in partway through the recording, which is why they aren't in the intro. Justin didn't forget them.

PPS: Special thanks to RFK's Number 1 Fan: Justin's mom! The love and support are appreciated. Thanks for listening even though you don't really like comics.

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