Wir stellen alle unsere Radiosendungen kostenfrei zur Verfügung. Unterstützen Sie uns mit einer Spende. Schon ein kleiner Beitrag hilft Radio evolve. Danke..Wenn Sie eine Spende als normale Überweisung vornehmen möchten, so erreicht uns das unter: emerge bewusstseinskultur e.V.IBAN: DE11 4306 0967 6028 9037 00 – BIC: GENODEM1GLS – Verwendungszweck: Spende Radio evolve Thomas Steininger in …

Regenerative Cultures Read More »

Wir stellen alle unsere Radiosendungen kostenfrei zur Verfügung. Unterstützen Sie uns mit einer Spende. Schon ein kleiner Beitrag hilft Radio evolve. Danke.
Wenn Sie eine Spende als normale Überweisung vornehmen möchten, so erreicht uns das unter: emerge bewusstseinskultur e.V.
IBAN: DE11 4306 0967 6028 9037 00 – BIC: GENODEM1GLS – Verwendungszweck: Spende Radio evolve

Thomas Steininger in dialogue with Joe Brewer

Sustainability is not enough anymore. Too much damage has been done to our planet. And every minute more damage is happening at a dramatic speed. As a response to this development there’s a new movement forming around the globe, and Joe Brewer is part of this movement beyond mere sustainability. Core to this movement is creating a connection between humans and the bioregions we inhabit. There is a recognition that our role is to find new ways to be stewards of particular landscapes, through developing regional cultures and local, natural, and social feedback loops.

Joe Brewer calls this a cosmo-local approach. Their response is not simply global and unconcerned with where one lives but planetary and committed to a specific region on Earth. Not only have they been able to revive degraded bioregions, they are also connecting with each other all over Earth to find shared new answers to the life crisis that our planet has to endure. As one of the pioneers of this “regenerative cultures movement,” Joe Brewer has been living and working in the Barichara region in Colombia and with a network of bioregions around the world.

This week on Radio evolve, Dr. Thomas Steininger speaks with Joe Brewer about the vision of regenerative cultures.