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Learning from the spiritual traditions – Kashmir Shaivism Read More »

Wir stellen alle unsere Radiosendungen kostenfrei zur Verfügung. Unterstützen Sie uns mit einer Spende. Schon ein kleiner Beitrag hilft Radio evolve. Danke.


Wenn Sie eine Spende als normale Überweisung vornehmen möchten, so erreicht uns das unter: emerge bewusstseinskultur e.V.

IBAN: DE11 4306 0967 6028 9037 00 – BIC: GENODEM1GLS – Verwendungszweck: Spende Radio evolve

Thomas Steininger in conversation with Igor Kufayev

For thousands of years, countless spiritual traditions have developed different way to cultivate the sacred and open to the depth of life.

Can we learn from the experience of those many sages, linaeges, and schools to find clues to a spirituality for our time? Igor Kufayev would definitely say yes.

Igor Kufayev is a contemporary spiritual teacher rooted in a tradition that may be one of last jewels of the Indian subcontinent – Kashmir Shaivism. Kashmir was always one of the creative centers of Indian spiritual culture. It was one of the places where the Buddhist teachings matured and developed over the centuries. In this creative environment, Kashmir Shaivism developed as a response to the world-denying bias of Buddhism and the Advaita tradition. Kashmir Shaivism created a spiritual culture firmly rooted in transcendence but also embracing the creative vibration of life.

In this episode of Radio evolve, Thomas Steininger talks with Igor Kufayev about what a metamodern spirituality can learn from Kashmir Shaivism.