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How to Create Living Networks Read More »

Wir stellen alle unsere Radiosendungen kostenfrei zur Verfügung. Unterstützen Sie uns mit einer Spende. Schon ein kleiner Beitrag hilft Radio evolve. Danke.


Wenn Sie eine Spende als normale Überweisung vornehmen möchten, so erreicht uns das unter: emerge bewusstseinskultur e.V.

IBAN: DE11 4306 0967 6028 9037 00 – BIC: GENODEM1GLS – Verwendungszweck: Spende Radio evolve

Thomas Steininger in dialogue with Carri Munn

One of the characteristics of the current times is that more and more we live in a network of networks. This is actually a radical change–for our human existence, for our organizations, for our society. Everything works differently. But have we really grasped what this means? Carri Munn has been exploring these implications.

A network of networks speaks to a reality where the borders of geography, organizations, and traditions are more open and give space for a new fluidity that global and regional networks. This calls for new ways of working. How do we create connections in this new environment? How do we spark collaboration and how do we catalyze systemic change?

Carri Munn, in her organization converge, has begun to answer these critical questions. She has developed new ideas and practices about how impact networks can become a powerful tool to help us to come together in this fragmented world.

Thomas Steininger talks with Carri Munn about how to create living impact networks.