Title: "The Family Business: Is This a Family Affair? Should Everyone in the Family Be in the Business?" - Summer 2023 FBA Panel, Part 2 of 3

Guests: Karen Bressler - Agar Supply Co., David Gordon - The Gordon Companies, Richard Hirschen - Gray, Gray & Gray LLP, and Steven Wilchins - Wilchins Cosentino & Novins LLP

Moderator: Jeffrey Davis - Mage LLC

The post “The Family Business: Is This a Family Affair? Should Everyone in the Family Be in the Business?” – Summer 2023 FBA Panel, Part 3 of 3 appeared first on Radio Entrepreneurs.

Link to Guest Websites: Wilchins Cosentino & Novins LLP | Gray, Gray & Gray LLP | The Gordon Companies

Title: “The Family Business: Is This a Family Affair? Should Everyone in the Family Be in the Business?” – Summer 2023 FBA Panel, Part 3 of 3
Guests: Karen Bressler – Agar Supply Co., David Gordon – The Gordon Companies, Richard Hirschen – Gray, Gray & Gray LLP, and Steven Wilchins –  Wilchins Cosentino & Novins LLP
Moderator: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC

In this final segment of the panel, our guests discuss who family members should report to, where trust and loyalty rank in a family business, whether family members should have a special family compensation package, and so much more.

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