The Canton Fair Experience program teaches you the knowledge, gives you the tools, introduces you to the right network, and takes you by the hand, in China, to make this all a reality. You get more than 40 hours of training, guidance from world renown experts, one-on-one mentorship in China, and ongoing support. It is […]

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The Canton Fair Experience program teaches you the knowledge, gives you the tools, introduces you to the right network, and takes you by the hand, in China, to make this all a reality. You get more than 40 hours of training, guidance from world renown experts, one-on-one mentorship in China, and ongoing support. It is a concierge experience. We know that we are asking you to step into uncharted water. Don’t worry. You have us at your side. And we’ll respond to your needs at any time, even with late night masterminds. This is not “speed dating” with mentors.

The post Steve Selikoff – The Canton Fair Experience P. 2 appeared first on Radio Entrepreneurs.