Title: "Revealing the Secrets to Family Business Success: 2024 Building Your Great Family Business" Late Winter 2024 FBA Panel [Part 3 of 4]

Panelists: Aviva Sapers - Sapers & Wallack, Lloyd Granoff - Granoff Associates, Stephen Wilchins - Wilchins, Cosentino & Novins, Richard Hirschen - Gray, Gray & Gray.

Moderator: Jeffrey Davis - Mage LLC

The post “Revealing the Secrets to Family Business Success: 2024 Building Your Great Family Business” Late Winter 2024 FBA Panel [Part 3 of 4] appeared first on Radio Entrepreneurs.

Link to Guest Websites: Sapers & Wallack | Wilchins Cosentino & Novins | Gray, Gray & Gray

Title: “Revealing the Secrets to Family Business Success: 2024 Building Your Great Family Business” Late Winter 2024 FBA Panel [Part 3 of 4]
Panelists: Aviva Sapers – Sapers & Wallack, Lloyd Granoff – Granoff Associates, Stephen Wilchins – Wilchins, Cosentino & Novins, Richard Hirschen – Gray, Gray & Gray.
Moderator: Jeffrey Davis – Mage LLC

In this third segment of the panel, our guests discuss the importance of formal structure in a family business, how sometimes, the best place for a family member may be outside of the business, and the biggest piece of advice these successful family business veterans would share with someone just starting out.

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