SouthieMap is a licensed real estate brokerage based in South Boston applying a data-driven approach to real estate. Sell smarter. Buy Smarter. Build smarter with our data. Our proprietary database with unmatched data on South Boston gives you the upper hand. Our team of real estate data experts is building analytical tools to help you […]

The post Chris Fitzpatrick – SouthieMap appeared first on Radio Entrepreneurs.

SouthieMap is a licensed real estate brokerage based in South Boston applying a data-driven approach to real estate. Sell smarter. Buy Smarter. Build smarter with our data. Our proprietary database with unmatched data on South Boston gives you the upper hand. Our team of real estate data experts is building analytical tools to help you answer real estate’s toughest questions.

The post Chris Fitzpatrick – SouthieMap appeared first on Radio Entrepreneurs.