In This Post: It’s a long overdue release of the fifth Viral Drinks Episode and a bit about the new schedule for RADIO DMG! Well, we’ll be updating every day with highlights from Area DMG, specific press releases, and a … Continue reading →

In This Post: It’s a long overdue release of the fifth Viral Drinks Episode and a bit about the new schedule for RADIO DMG! Well, we’ll be updating every day with highlights from Area DMG, specific press releases, and a new audio show every week. Yes. We have a backlog of short shows to get to you! So, I guess you should be prepared for that!

Anyhow, onto this fifth Viral Drinks! There’s actually going to be a merger between Musical Rations and Viral Drinks in the future, but I’m not going to explain that right now. For now, just know that these no longer serve any real purpose outside of being something to listen to while exercising. They were originally for a trivia thing and then a little later as a bit of a mix tape for someone else. Now, they are for running to and lifting to! Which is why the impending merger. That’s after the leap!

So, here’s Episode 5 for Viral Drinks!