Here's Communitoid Episode 027 - Touched by an Uncle!  In this episode: Andy's bitter that he's dead, Aaron talks about the time he narrowly avoided a probable monkey attack while dressed as Santa, Conor mancrushes on Marc Maron (LOCK THE GATES!), and our new co-host Rick AKA KingFoom plays way more videogames than the rest of us.  We also discuss It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, some rip-off of Ninja Fishing on Android, community chess and pokemon tourneys, playing mind-games with strangers in Minecraft, good comic book videogames, and CHRISTMAASSS. Enjoy!

ATTENTION! The MAGFest panel will be FRIDAY at 2:30pm in Panel Room 2.  The name is "Community First: Maintaining the Community of a Growing Website".  Please stop by if you're going to the con!  Also, Darren AKA Dexter345 will be running a IRL game of Werewolf afterwards!

We're undergoing a revamp of Communitoid, including a new title that you can help us choose!  Hit the Forums for the details!  (!)

Break song: Let it Snow by the crew of the Starship Enterprise (

Follow us @Communitoid ( on Twitter and join our Facebook group! (  If you'd like to be a guest on a future episode or want to submit an intro or promo, email [email protected].

Talk about us on the Forums ( and follow us on the Cblogs: (

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Opening and closing themes by Adam AcH ( Show logo by ZombiePlatypus. Cblog banner by TheCiderMan.

Full show notes available at



The Devastation and Destruction of Destructoid Chapter 15 (


Is It Tuesday? by Nihil (

2013 Completed Games Thread by digtastik (

Tales of Werewolf:

Last Scion of the House of Blue Lions is hosting a 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors themed game: (!&p=1240331&viewfull=1#post1240331)

Meet Ups:

Jan 2-5: MAGFest 12 by Dyganth (!)

EGX Rezzed 2014: 28th-30th March, Birmingham by panchromatic (

PAX East 2014 by pk fire (

Dtoid Southeast NARP by Everyday Legend (

Community Tourneys:


Pokémon X/Y Championship #1: LET'S SEE HOW THIS GOES EDITION by Brightside (

Other Stuff:

Building a new location for the EuroNARPs: Teh Lair^3! by mistic (It's in Belgium btw) (

Link to the Past in Minecraft (

Check out the latest Dtoid Community podcasts!  (

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