It's Communitoid Episode 013 - Sour Cream, Mayonnaise, AIDS! This week Conor prepares for some D&D with fellow Dtoiders, Jo resists the urge to get verbally naked, Aaron shirks his duty, Andy's image miraculously begins appearing throughout Destructoid, and guest host / hug expert JJ McCallum recalls the time he fiddled with Conor's taint. Also JJ & Aaron get yelled at for not having played The Walking Dead yet, Panzadolphin56 recaps the Snatcher-themed Werewolf game, and we learn some British!  Stay tuned after the closing theme for some bonus content.  Big thanks to DJNealb for recording an intro for us! Enjoy!

Opening and closing themes by Adam AcH ( Show logo by ZombiePlatypus. Cblog banner by TheCiderMan

Break song: Lemon Demon - Word Disassociation (

Werewolf Recap by Panzadolphin56 with music from Snatcher (

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Bloggers Wanted: Ultra violence? (


The Destructoid TF2 server has moved by Swishiee (

Naked inflatable man: Dtoid sent me stuff! by Wrenchfarm (

When you see it you'll fap bricks by Niero Gonzalez (

Community survey: The cost of games in your region by TheToiletDuck (

Fanart Flops: Sonic walks with Christ, do you? (NSFW) by Handy (


Sh*t People say on Facebook by N7 (*t-People-say-on-Facebook)

Dtoid Confession Session by Glowbear (

Meet Ups:

June 22-23: Rezzed Birmingham by GlowBear (

August 30-September 2: PAX Prime 2013 by Mr. Gobbldigook (


Contest: Are YOU the Internet's Next Top Streamer? (

Other Stuff:

Welcome Phero, our new social media guy! (

Check out Destructoid's new Instagram thing (

Podcast for folks looking to get into the ‘industry’ (

Snatcher (!&p=1156299&viewfull=1#post1156299)

Octodad (!&p=1158705&viewfull=1#post1158705)

The Gamers: Dorkness Rising (

Booty Pop! (

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