Next Episode: Bourdain

Dismantle your ideology, or we'll do it for you.

Riffs, riffs, and more riffs. Anti-fascist protest punk duo that gets straight to the point.

"KILL, THE ICON!" is an exploration of cultural icons and iconoclasts, viewed through the lens of pop culture.

"Buddhist Monk" is an exploration of the self-immolation of Thich Quang Duc. Modern protests are often performative and derived for the aim of social clout. This song aims to tell the story of a protestor who put it all on the line.

"Bourdain" rolls out the mission statement for KILL, THE ICON! - a short, sharp burst of drums and riffs.

Tasting notes: Death From Above 1979, Protomartyr, Royal Blood, Soundtrack to the movie 'TRON'.