In Teaching Art, creative writing teacher Dennis Gaens looks into what it means to teach art in the present day. In this three part series he looks into where we teach art, who teaches it and what exactly is being taught. 

In this second episode, he explores who should be teaching art, what kind of stance is necessary. He does so in conversation with writers and teachers Jesse Ball, Lorena Briedis and John Vigna. 

A transcript for this episode is available at


Jesse Ball can (sometimes, though not at the time of publishing this episode) be found here:

He teaches at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago:

His Notes on my Dunce Cap was published by Pioneer Works:

Lorena Briedis teaches (and herself studied) at Escuela de Escritores:

John Vigna can be found here:

He teaches at the University of British Columbia:

The European Association of Creative Writing Programmes can be found at