Blue is song, Yellow is music, Green is dance, Red is beauty , White is peace and Pink is for joy “. With this colourful quote, your host and dost, Karishma and Limi welcome you all to our Holi special show only on Holi is a Hindu festival celebrated annually around the month of March and in combination of spring festival. It is celebrated in almost all of India and by all Hindus around the world.

Holi is New Year’s Celebration according to the Hindu Calendar. This festival marks the end of winter and beginning of spring. Before we introduce you to our tonight’s guests , we would like to tell you all the significance of the celebration. Holi is New Year’s Celebration according to the Hindu Calendar. It is especially important for the farmers. In India it is around this time of the year , farmers celebrate their good harvest.

Holi celebrations begin the night before, when bonfires are lit to cleanse the air of evil spirits , and to celebrate to the death of the evil demon "Holika" after whom the festival is named. Last but not the least this festival symbolizes the victory of good over evil, of light over darkness, and of knowledge over ignorance.

Karishma Vij and Limi Kalapurachal welcome our guests: Prachi Aggarwal – founder of PraRoop Events and Holi Fusion festival and Roshni Suresh - President of the Indian student’s association.  

In this podcast, we removed music from radio show. The Full show is at :  


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