Radio 4 Brainport hosted a podcast with experts in effective communication:

- Pieter Hermans, of, matchmaker in innovation and conference organizer. Is Pieter preparing for any live event in 2021, at all?

- Oded Raz, faculty member at Electrical engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e. He is not only an experienced teacher but he is also active in improving education at TU/e: We heard Oded say: While attending lectures, please do NOT switch off video. Does a teacher need to see his students while lecturing?

- Karishma Vij, educated as a professional mass communicator and works as a teacher: with online meetings being the norm, and video-off, should everyone know get a training is a TV anchor?

- Limi Kalapurachal, Student at TU/e, columnist at Cursor. Is Limi looking forward to being in a live class, where you may not have a chance to walk in and out without being noticed?

Hosted by Jean-Paul Linnartz


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