Jim Rohn said… “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.”

Dr. Ernesto Gutierrez is someone that cares immensely about educating and empowering his patients to live their healthiest lives. He breaks down complicated medical subjects in a way that is simple and actionable. He is a father, a husband, a doctor, and an overall awesome human that wants to help people cut through the science and just live better.

I think its safe to say that many doctors take a patient’s problem, and try to find a solution. It seems that you deviate from this, and that your goals are more in educating patients on shifting their mindset and taking some agency in their health. This is directly aligned with our mission at Radical Wellness. Tell us a little bit about your motivations here. (2:12)


Does your own experience as a patient affect or shape the way you choose to serve your patients? (4:03)

Age Management and Regenerative Medicine is near to our hearts at Radical Wellness, as this is a big focus of care at Executive Medicine of Texas where Dr. Erin and the other docs in our group spend their clinical time with patients. (8:12)


Can you explain to our listeners what stem cells are? (11:29)


How has the stem cell field the changed in the past ten years? (14:02)


What are your thoughts on the typical american diet and lack of exercise have on your health? (16:34)


How important are other aspects of someone’s lifestyle when choosing to get stem cell therapy—such as mindset, nutrition and fitness? Is there anything you do in particular? (18:10)


Dr. E we are so grateful for the time you’ve taken today, I know our listeners have learned a ton, and we have too. Where can people look to connect with you or find out more about what you do? (22:05)


What is one action step you’d leave our listeners with, that if they started today, they’d be on a path to a healthier life. (23:19) 


And to close it out, what does it mean to have Radical Wellness in your life? (24:14)


You can find Dr.E at:

Website: https://drernestomd.com/media/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drernestomd/

Podcast: Dr. E’s Highway to Health https://drernestomd.com/podcast/

For more information about Radical Wellness, please visit:


Twitter: @TheRWPodcast

Instagram: radicalwellnesspodcast

Facebook: www.facebook.com/RadicalWellnessPodcast

Radical Wellness is produced by Executive Medicine of Texas. This podcast is intended for inspiration and educational purposes, not to take the place of formal medical advice for any of our listeners. We encourage you to seek that through your personal trusted healthcare providers. If you’re interested in becoming a patient of Dr. Erin’s or one of our other awesome docs, go to emtexas.com.

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