Not sure about selling that premium offer? Maybe you’ve got a new, high-ticket service in mind, but you’re not sure how to market it or if anyone will want it. Knowing what to offer to which audience can be tough, but if you’re ready to bump up to that next level, listen up! On today’s episode I’m talking all about what to do if you’re feeling stuck on premium. I’m offering helpful tips and real world examples to help you hone in on what works for you. Premium CAN work for everyone and in ANY service business, but it takes knowing your audience, knowing how you want to work, and knowing it’s the right time. So let’s get into it!


This episode is for you if you want to learn:

How to know which business model is RIGHT for you Why a confused audience leads to less sales (It’s time to clear up your message!) What to keep in mind if you’re offering two different price lanes, each with their own distinct market  Steps you can take NOW to build up to premium in the future  How to approach pilot programs, sales, and discounts (and which one I never recommend!) And more! 


If you want to create a BIG cash injection in your business in the next 30 days AND consistent high-ticket sales month after month, my Moneymaker Intensive is for you! Book your spot here: 

Come join me in my free private Facebook group, Radical Revenue—High-Ticket Sales for Coaches, and continue the conversation!