Woman of Devotion and your LWL host, Luna Love (www.lunaloveleadership), closes out this season of the Ladies Who Lead podcast, before their 3rd annual summer break. She takes us to the edges of ourself in this episode and invites us to step through the portal of initiation into a world of unshakable devotion. Devotion as not being devoted to anything, but living as devotion, as a confused, remembering, forgetting, deeply-feeling, fully-present expression of life and consciousness unfolding. This is a path, a commitment, a way of Life, come deepen with us on our closing episode for the Season. - -  If you are nourished in any way by the show and want to support Ladies Who Lead in growing head on over to Patreon (www.patreon.com/ladieswholead) to give as little as $1/mo or as much as you want to support our platform for women-centered storytelling. To subscribe to future podcasts or learn more about how we can support you on your leadership journey, head over to www.ladieswholeadpodcast.com