Today’s episode is with Natali Morris (, financial expert, and I struggled with the decision to air this episode and have trustingly chosen to do so. We could and maybe should have called it “Playing the Game of Capitalism” We have differing views on a handful of things and I didn’t challenge as much as I may have been inspired to during our time together. But I also found a lot of value from her share that I trust many in our audience will benefit from. Natali is a broadcaster, writer, speaker, and Cofounder and CFO of Morris Invest. Previously, she was a news anchor and technology reporter for NBC, CBS, and The Today Show. Natali's family of five has recently achieved financial freedom, and her mission is to empower other women to take control of their money and businesses, and start building real long-term wealth.   To subscribe to future podcasts or learn more about how we can support you on your leadership journey, head over to