Zoë Kors (www.zoekors.com) is a writer speaker and coach committed to transforming the way we hold our sexuality – both individually and culturally – and to creating a compassionate, loving world through the cultivation of a sisterhood of wildly-expressed women. Zoë is the former Senior Editor and Creative Director of LA Yoga Magazine and Origin Magazine. She is a frequent contributor to Elephant Journal, MindBodyGreen, and Aloha.com. Zoë’s work reflects her extensive study of Tantra, Zen Buddhism, meditation, yoga, breathwork, and other Eastern disciplines, which she blends with more process-oriented modalities of Western psychotherapy and Co-Active Coaching. Zoë currently lives in Los Angeles with her daughter, son, and dog. She is equally passionate about a good cup of coffee and the ability to indulge this passion in moderation. To subscribe to future podcasts or learn more about how we can support you on your leadership journey, head over to www.ladieswholeadpodcast.com