Radical Relationship - Gospel of John artwork

Radical Relationship - Gospel of John

28 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 5 years ago - ★★★★★ - 4 ratings

By exploring John’s account of the Incarnation, this class will reacquaint us with God’s unrelenting desire for an intimate relationship with humanity.

Hosted in Portland, Oregon, taught by John MacMurray and recorded by Don Woodward.

Available on iTunes.

Christianity Religion & Spirituality trinity father son holy spirit christ jesus relationship radical gospel
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Week 07 - Lazarus, Judgement and Us (2018)

March 23, 2018 06:37

This week John MacMurray outlines the book of John. We talk about the story of Lazarus and why the midpoint of John is significant. We talk about John 5 and the meaning of judgement. We wrap the class with thoughts about what this means in our lives.

Week 06 - Understanding Incarnation and John 2 (2018)

March 15, 2018 19:56

This week John MacMurray talks about the Incarnation and why God is different in Christianity than other religions. He continues with why that is important to us and how this changes everything. John also discusses questions about Jesus on the cross, why Jesus died and what God thinks of sacrifice. We start on John 2 and learn what questions to ask while we read about what Jesus does.

Week 05 - John 1:12 (2018)

March 09, 2018 06:07

This week John MacMurray talks about John 1:12 and how to translate this verse, focusing on ex ousia (out of being/essence). He continues by diving into Jesus’s death and the cause, the meaning of atonement and why Jesus is the perfect representative of God.

Week 04 - Why God Creates (2018)

March 02, 2018 07:24

This week John MacMurray continues talking about the nature of God, what self-love means in the context of the Trinity, and why God creates (out of His nature of self-giving, other-centered love). He also goes into God as a relational being, hell, and what we should look for when we read the Gospel of John.

Week 03 - The Incarnation (2018)

February 23, 2018 05:05

This week John MacMurray continues in John chapter 1. We talk about the choice of the word “Word” in the prologue, what it means that the “Word became flesh” (1:14) and what the Incarnation is. We end by talking about the fundamental truth of God and what's missing from the Catechism.

Week 02 - John 1:1 (2018)

February 16, 2018 05:26

This week John MacMurray dives into the text beginning with John 1:1. We talk about the importance of this verse and the following verses in understanding the entire book, as well as what John is attempting to say in starting his Gospel off with a prologue. We talk about creation, what “The Word” really means and the importance of the trinity and relationship to understanding God.

Week 01 - Introduction to the Gospel of John (2018)

February 09, 2018 05:24

Welcome to Gospel of John class—2018 edition! This week John MacMurray takes a look at the whole of the Gospel of John. Before we actually dive into the text, it’s important to take note of how the author wants us to see this book. We do this by looking at the narrative structure and the storytelling tools of selection, arrangement and editorial comments. We also learn about the prologue and the importance of John 17.

Week 07 - The Upper Room (2017)

March 23, 2017 04:48

The last class in this year's series, we take a look at the Upper Room Discourse, ch. 13-17.

Week 06 - Break Out Session (2017)

March 21, 2017 04:48

This week we broke out into groups and discussed the Wedding at Cana, Nicodemus, Feeding of the 5000, and the Healing of the Royal Official's Son. During discussion, we were to look for ways that John tries to show 2 things: first, Jesus coming (mission) is to reveal (explain) the father to us. Why? For this is eternal life. Secondly, John’s mission in writing is to help his readers to continue to believe so that they continue to experience life.

Week 05 - Glory (2017)

March 08, 2017 05:22

“Since God is a community of persons in selfless, abiding communion/relationship, God’s glory is always love-motivated and others-focused. It is not utilitarian, that is, never a means to the end of God’s self-glorification. God’s glory is the essence of his being, which is: the relationship of Father, Son, and Spirit.”

Week 04 - The Importance of the Incarnation (2017)

February 23, 2017 07:08

The importance of the Incarnation can not be overlooked. Literally translated as the "in-flesh-ment", we look to the incarnation as the moment God becomes one of us. As we read through John 1:14, we examine the importance of the Word becoming flesh. What does John mean by "flesh"? What does John mean by "becoming"? In the end, the incarnation takes our “image of God” -ness further, for Christ (the exact likeness of God) becomes human and brings us back into relationship with God.

Week 03 - Exousia (2017)

February 16, 2017 07:03

Why does John use the word “Word” (logos), at the beginning, as a metaphor for God, but then drop it? The reason can be found in the words function. Much like John uses "sign" for miracles, its the function of the word that makes the difference. Also, what is the mission of the Word in John's story? Is God the Father to some, or everyone? Can you make God your Father? In verse 12, we look deeper at what is meant by the author's words, looking at the original Greek word of "exousia", interpr...

Week 02 - God Before Creation (2017)

February 09, 2017 07:08

We continue to look at ch. 17 and see how closely the prologue relates and reflects Jesus' prayer in chapter 17. We also look at the gospel, going chapter by chapter. Starting at 1:1, we see how John begins his story by explaining who God is before creation.

Week 01 - The Structure of John (2017)

February 02, 2017 06:23

We are back with a new series of classes! As we have done in Week 1 of previous years, we examine the author and structure of the Gospel of John. The structure of a narrative takes into account two main characteristics: selection and arrangement. Selection refers to what the narrator chooses to include in the narrative. Arrangement refers to how it appears in the story, and where it appears. Another important tool John utilizes is editorial comments. Comments made by the author to help expl...

Week 14 - Upper Room Discourse II (2016)

March 16, 2016 06:05

In the culmination of this year's class, we are looking at the Upper Room Discourse, ch 13-17. Split into two classes, this is the second part. Best not to be explained, but listened to. If you haven't already, listen to Part 1 first. This will be our last post for this session. We hope you have experienced God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) in a new way. Check back next fall for a new session of classes. And please don't hesitate to reach out through email if you have any questions!

Week 13 - Upper Room Discourse I (2016)

March 09, 2016 00:23

In the culmination of this year's class, we are looking at the Upper Room Discourse, ch 13-17. Split into two classes, this is the first part. Best not to be explained, but listened to. You might even read the chapters before listening.

Week 12 - Jesus Interacts with the Pharisees (2016)

March 02, 2016 05:53

As we approach the very intimate Upper Room Discourse between Jesus and his disciples (Chapters 13-17), we look at a few interactions Jesus has with the people and the pharisees in the chapters leading up to it. We watch as Jesus does not condemn, though he has every right; and yet, the pharisees condemn Him and pick up stones (multiple times) to kill him. Jesus explains that he is the Light of the World, and then he heels a man born blind. This is a small departure from John's structure up...

Week 11 - John 6 (2016)

February 23, 2016 18:08

After feeding of the five-thousand, Jesus walks on the water and speaks to the people saying "I am the bread of life". Jesus begins to get opposition from the religious leaders and his own followers. The conversations you'll see from ch. 6 on are no longer between Jesus and individuals around him (Samaritan woman, Nicodemus, etc) but will start to be primarily with the Jewish religious leaders. And we need to start asking ourselves, why? Why did John compose his narrative like this? Why is ...

Week 10 - Healing at the Pool (2016)

February 17, 2016 06:09

When Jesus visits the healing pool, John shows us Jesus's third miracle, or as John likes to call them, signs. John calls miracles signs because they point to something. So as we look at this miracle, we have to ask ourselves, "What is this pointing to?" In the narrative, we look at three key interactions. First, we examine the interaction between Jesus and the paralyzed man, both before and after his healing. Second, we examine the healed man's interaction with the Jewish leaders. And fina...

Week 09 - Jesus Talks to the Samaritan Woman (2016)

February 10, 2016 05:32

We skip past all of ch. 3 and move right into Jesus's conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. Again, we are trying to see how Jesus explains the Father to us. In this conversation, we see how Jesus takes no part in many prejudices that were part of the culture of the day, as well as our current culture. He moves past race, past gender, past morality, and past religious prejudices. What this tells us is that there is no prejudice in the Father, Son and Spirit. We also see how ...

Week 08 - Jesus Clears the Temple (2016)

February 03, 2016 05:31

As we work our way through the Gospel of John, we look at the second half of Ch. 2 where Jesus clears the temple courts. When Jesus turns over the tables, we need to remember who Jesus is and what he knows about the people that He's talking to. Is this just a story of God being justifiably angry? Maybe, but why is He angry? Why is God angry when we do something wrong? We explore this and other concepts in this class.

Week 07 - The Wedding in Cana (2016)

January 27, 2016 07:07

In the first six weeks of this class (Part 1), we focused primarily on John’s Prologue (1:1-18). As was mentioned in one of the earlier classes, the Prologue was like a pair of glasses that John is asking you to view the narrative through. So as we move forward in the next eight weeks or so (Part 2), we will walk through the Gospel of John and read it with the ‘glasses’ that John has given us. In this first class of Part 2, we look at John 1 - 2:11. In chapter one, after the prologue, John...

Week 06 - Punishment and Justice and a God who Loves (2015)

November 25, 2015 07:18

In this week’s class, our last of the session, we take a quick look at Jesus on the cross, and explore the Father-Son relationship within the being of God, and the implications of this relationship while Christ is on the cross. Among many other things, we also discuss some final thoughts on justice, punishment and love, and how they are all connected in the hands of a God that love us dearly. The class will continue in 2016. We will move forward from John’s prologue into the rest of the book...

Week 05 - Children of God (2015)

November 10, 2015 23:04

In this week’s class, we continue to look at John’s prologue. After we recap the previous class’s examination of glory, we examine the challenging translation of verses 12-13 from the Greek. We see how much is gained by the translation of one word. And finally, we read and discuss some unspoken sermons by George MacDonald.

Week 04 - Glory (2015)

November 04, 2015 06:39

In this week’s class, we discover what John says about glory. We look at the Westminster Catechism’s definition of God and see what they may have missed. And we end with seeing how glory and relationship are connected.

Week 03 - The Word Became Flesh (2015)

October 28, 2015 04:57

In this week’s class, we examine John 1:14. We discuss why John uses the word “Word” to describe the son of God before he became flesh. We also learn the importance of and meaning behind the words “flesh” and “became”. This is the incarnation of Christ.

Week 02 - The Importance of John 17 (2015)

October 21, 2015 06:58

In this week's class, we explore why John 17 is so important. The fact that John stops narrating when we get to ch 17, is a huge deal. No editorial comments in jesus’ prayer. None before, during, or after. The big deal is that John is trying to clue us in to something. It's a departure from his normal method of editorial comments for the entire book, up to this point. So why would he do that? Listen and find out.

Week 01 - The Structure of John (2015)

October 14, 2015 06:52

In this first week of the 2015 season, we examine the author and structure of the Gospel of John. The structure of a narrative takes into account two main characteristics: selection and arrangement. Selection refers to what the narrator chooses to include in the narrative. Arrangement refers to how it appears in the story, and where it appears. And why does John do this? Just like any piece of literature, he has a goal for arranging it how he does. Listen to coming weeks to get a glimpse of ...


Children of God
1 Episode