A lucid and easy-to-understand view of how ground-breaking Jesus' message was in his world (and ours). Jesus once said that the greatest display of love is sacrificing oneself for your friends, but by "friends," he meant every single person, regardless of our differences in nationality, race, religion, opinion, age, gender, blindness, or wisdom. Understand how and why we all fit in his comforting embrace.

Programme produced and recorded by Gabriel Porras at gabrielvoice.com and radiantwhispers.com

Jesus walks on the waters, image generated by artificial intelligence ai-generated-7922881_1280 at pixabay.com

"Devotion", from The Pilgrimage Series, Part 1 on artlist.io

"What Jesus taught and why" is a chapter from the beautiful book Jesus: a biography from a believer, by Paul Johnson.
Copyright © Paul Johnson, 2010 ISBN 978-0-670-02159-8

Biblical passages taken from The Message, Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson