Previous Episode: Luvina, by Juan Rulfo

Psalm 27 from the Bible was written over three thousand years ago by King David, "the sweet singer of Israel". It is a profound prayer of praise to God and a plea for protection and comfort in the most troubled and challenging of times. David contemplates the most outrageous and cruel destiny he can imagine: that of a child deliberately abandoned by his parents. "Even if my father and mother abandoned me, you will take care of me"... even if something as unimaginable and unnatural as being deliberately abandoned by his parents were to happen to him, even if the natural and biological order were to be so twisted, God would take care of him. Even if his father and mother conspired to abandon him.

That is why I put his prayer on the lips of every aborted baby boy and girl.

The Voice (VOICE)The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.
Adapted and read by Gabriel Porras for and
Production: Gabriel Porras and Andre Sosa @drorangeacademy
Cover by Ricardo Gil [email protected]
Music: "Purify" by Embrace at Used with license.