For this episode, I decided to bring onto the show one of my closest friends, Tanisha Shields. We wanted to bring to you a light topic, to have a bit of fun during this pandemic and inspire you to get to you know your friends, family, or partner better. Tanisha, is a highly esteemed educator,  Assistant Principal of a high school in the South Bronx and a published writer.  We hope you enjoy this episode witnessing two sister friends get to know one another even more through answering these insightful questions and hopefully you can do the same with your friends, family or partner in crime. So happy to introduce to you my deep dive with Tanisha Shields…. 



Get to know Tanisha Shields and me, Hope McGrath, on the next level as we talk about the power of faith and gratitude, the importance of self-reflection and personal growth, who inspires us, our main bucket list item of the moment, the art of listening to your heart and intuitive spirit and what we cherish in authentic friendships. Here are our top 13 Questions to ask your friends, family and lovers. Test these out and listen to what came up for us with this experiment.


1. When was the last time you cried?


2. What is one thing in your childhood you would change?


3. What is one thing your ex would say about me?


4. If you could meet one person who has already passed on, who would it be and why?


5. What would constitute a perfect day for you?


6. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?


7. If you could teach any class, what would it be?


8. What are three things you are grateful for and why?


9. What is something on your bucket list you would do right after this pandemic?


10. What is a truth about yourself that your friends or family tell you that you don’t like?


11. What is one of the wildest thing you ever did in your 20s?


12. What do you value most in a friendship?



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