Michele Rannie is an attorney in New York City practicing civil litigation and a Brooklyn Mom from the island of St. Kitts. In this episode, we talk about the trials and tribulations of being an immigrant and a woman of color within the high-powered corporate world. Michele equates her experience of showing up at her firm to the storyline of the famous film “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” (1967) starring Sidney Poitier & Katherine Hepburn, when a white woman invites her black partner to her parents house to meet the family.  Most mixed couples can relate to some sort of shock by the family members.  We talk about how to overcome unattainable perfectionism, tips to elevate within the corporate world and so much more. If you work in the corporate world or desire elevate your professional game, may this episode inspire you.  



Learn tips for people of color on how to navigate the corporate world The power of understanding your self-worth and dignity Notes on how women can take their power back The wake up call that perfectionism and pressures for over-achievement just be considered equal must stop and be transformed How to navigate the multiple micro-aggressions that can lead to the “angry black woman’ stereotype What is implicit bias? Money talk and negotiating for equal pay Self-care rituals to face daily white privilege in the corporate structures 



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