The 2021 Tokyo Olympics have come and gone, and in their wake, they’ve left a trail of ongoing conversations about how the world and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), treats athletes. Whether it was the sidelining of Sha’Carri Richardson for smoking pot, or the global scrutiny of Simone Biles for prioritizing her mental health over the world’s entertainment, individual stories have jumped into the spotlight reminding us of something many have forgotten: athletes are human.

But the IOC and other regulating committees often overlook the human aspect of competitors, and the Olympics are just as much a global stage for the ongoing dehumanization of athletes as they are a showcase of their talents. Whether it’s the silencing of opinions imposed by Rule 50, the cruel way they regulate trans competitors, or the subtle racism sewn into the Games’ fabric, there is ample room for improvement.

To better understand these topics, we spoke with Olympic athletes like Costa Rican gymnast Luciana Alvarado, organizations like Athlete Ally, as well as doctors and professors who specialize in these issues.

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