This mini-series explores sustainable events.

Today, the events industry is more popular than ever – generating over $1.1 trillion US dollars in global revenue annually and predicted to increase more that 10% over the next 5 years. Nonetheless, the environmental impact of large scale events is significant and difficult to reduce. The very nature of events, bringing together tens if not thousands of human beings into a physical space, requires the single use of vast resources to deliver captivating experiences and crucial profitability. So, how can we ensure we leave the smallest environmental footprint possible within an industry aimed at consistently delivering ever greater spectacles to audiences? 

In this 3-part series on sustainable events, we’ve chosen three of the most impressive global event organizations with sustainability at their core to understand their visions and challenges for operating a planet-friendly event.

In part 2 of this 3-part series, we meet with Rose-May Lucotte, Co-Founder and COO of ChangeNOW in Paris, the largest event of sustainable solutions for the planet.