Previous Episode: S2 E4: Let's Talk Apps

Yup, it's podcast release day, and after a short hiatus we are back with our fifth episode of the new season. In this edition, Paul Glover, Davide Nativo, Daniel Monteiro and Paul Jeffrey have a good old natter about many varied topics related to the current  E-sport boom within our hobby.

Host Paul Glover puts the following questions to the guys and we hear their views:

What is your favourite e-sports series?
Have you been surprised by the sim racing uptake by the real world professional drivers?
Recently there has been some controversy with regards to pros and sim racing during events, what are your thoughts on this?
Do us sim racers take sim racing too seriously? Or should pros be taking it more seriously?
As the current pandemic carries on for however long, real life racing may not be normal for a while. What would you like to see from E-sports
Do you think the pandemic will have a positive outcome for sim racing? 

Stay inside, save lives everyone!

If you have any comments regarding any topics discussed in this episode then please do post on the episodes thread which can be found here. We would love to hear from you.

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