A customer complaint from behind the curtain gets John in trouble and further from regaining the Assistant Manager position. The Bonus Materials on the 4K Blu-ray of Dawn Of The Dead cause an argument. Both of the guys neglected their homework for the week due to Michael J being hooked on Playstation VR and making the leap to 4K and John just being “busy” with work. Plus Michael J has anal issues and more! After a break, chaos reigns as John and Michael J, from the alternate 80s reality, take over the show and initiate their plan to bring the 80s to the present and become the new rulers of the world?! Will John and Michael J be able to stop their evil plan and fix reality before it’s too late? All that and more on this can’t miss episode! So rent smart and remember, “Be Kind…Rewind”.


Customer Complaint/Playstation VR/4K Love (5:18-43:03)

The Takeover (46:34-End)