Next Episode: Matthew, Chapters 2 & 3

Laying down the fundamental principles that serve as our parameters for this course. An introduction into Jewish methods of Torah study and religious writings, with emphasis on Midrash, a moralistic, metaphorical rendition of scripture, intentionally outside of its literal meanings. An overall understanding of what it means to be the messiah in Judaism. A discussion of the name Yeshu, Yeshua. Yeshu in history, the Jewish reasons behind the original schism. Yeshu was a political figure, not a religious one. Yeshu was a zealot, reference to the Midrash of Shimon Kipah from Sefer Otzar HaMidrashim, and the writings of Christian theologian, the Manchester University professor, S.G.F. Brandon. Matthew, Chapter 1. When Matthew calls his “rebbe” Yeshu the messiah, his intentions were obviously political. This is made even clearer by the remaining teachings in this chapter. Matthew uses over and over again midrashic methods to aggrandize the genealogy and birth stories of his “rebbe,”with the intent to solidify for him political authority, for the term “messiah,” was in those days, political, and not religious. Discussion of the “virgin birth,” and how it should properly be understood.

Laying down the fundamental principles that serve as our parameters for this course. An introduction into Jewish methods of Torah study and religious writings, with emphasis on Midrash, a moralistic, metaphorical rendition of scripture, intentionally outside of its literal meanings. An overall understanding of what it means to be the messiah in Judaism. A discussion of the name Yeshu, Yeshua. Yeshu in history, the Jewish reasons behind the original schism. Yeshu was a political figure, not a religious one. Yeshu was a zealot, reference to the Midrash of Shimon Kipah from Sefer Otzar HaMidrashim, and the writings of Christian theologian, the Manchester University professor, S.G.F. Brandon. Matthew, Chapter 1. When Matthew calls his “rebbe” Yeshu the messiah, his intentions were obviously political. This is made even clearer by the remaining teachings in this chapter. Matthew uses over and over again midrashic methods to aggrandize the genealogy and birth stories of his “rebbe,”with the intent to solidify for him political authority, for the term “messiah,” was in those days, political, and not religious. Discussion of the “virgin birth,” and how it should properly be understood.